Wednesday, August 3, 2011

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back...

Life is wonderful, and then it's not, and then it's back to wonderful again. I'm waiting for it to return back to wonderful. My first class successfully uploaded the class syllabus into Noterize from the Docs Folder, except for two students who I did not sync properly yesterday. Easy fix, I synced them up, dropped the files in, and away they went. Lovely! The Scavenger Hunt went very well. Students quickly figured out the components of the Noterize app after only five minutes of demonstration from me. I love teaching teenagers with technology! They pick it up so quickly. About half of the class was able to finish the Scavenger Hunt, and 90% were able to share their work with me via Google Docs within the app. Do you hear the angels singing?! I did!

Then second period started out similarly. I showed the students some of the components and how to upload the syllabus. They worked hard, and many completed the hunt. BUT... something happened at the district office in the middle of the class period and the wi-fi network went out! So they were unable to share their work with me. Ugh! Hopefully it will work tomorrow so they can finish and share their work.

So far, I am L-O-V-I-N-G using the iPads! There is quite a bit of trial and error, but the students are being flexible, and I've been smart enough to come up with back-up plans. Yay me!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Step In the Right Direction...

Progress is good, right?! After learning that the network in my classroom can't handle all of the students attempting to log in to Edmodo at once, I tried having them enter the app in increments of ten. Success! Yes, it took a bit longer to start up, but in the end, it worked well. First period was able to get to the iPad Student Use Agreement form, finally.

In the next class, I attempted have the students use Noterize and import the class syllabus that I shared with them via Google docs. Doing this at home was hit-and-miss, so I don't know why I decided to try it with the kids! Wishful thinking, I suppose. It failed miserably. Time for Plan B: I had them use Safari and log into their Google Docs account to view the syllabus. It took a bit longer, but it worked well.

During my prep, I synced one of the student iPads and tried uploading the syllabus file into the Noterize app via iTunes. After disconnecting, I attempted to import the syllabus and found it waiting for me in the documents folder! Yay! So the plan for tomorrow: Scavenger Hunt with the class syllabus. They will use Noterize to "mark up" the syllabus according to the instruction sheet I've created. Then, they will share it with me through Google Docs. Hopefully it will help them learn a bit more about Noterize and my classroom expectations!

Wish me luck!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, August 1, 2011

And So It Begins...

Let me start by saying this: I am blessed.  Whether you believe in God, Allah, Buddha, or whoever, you will probably agree with me by the end of this post.  Last spring, I read an email from my school district about the potential for bringing Apple iPads into the classroom, to which I replied with my interest in the this pilot program.  A few weeks later, a second email was sent with a link to an application, which I promptly completed, and at the end of July, I received the phone call.  I was sitting at home when Mrs. C called, enjoying my summer break.  The Happy Dance that ensued immediately after hanging up was probably quite embarrassing, to say the least.  But what did I care?! I just got a class set of iPads!

I did not look forward to the week-long training, but it turned out to be the most helpful training I have ever been to, at least in regards to a technology training.  The five other teachers and I absorbed so much within the week, that it left my head spinning with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming year.  So many ideas... will I be able to implement them all???  I spent the weekend attempting to enjoy some social engagements, but my thoughts kept shifting back to the new school year.

Today, school started.  It started as any normal school year in my classroom would: a writing prompt.  You see, I have 9th grade honors students, and they need to write.  After the allotted time, I began to tell them about myself, the class, and then the big moment came when I told them they would be getting to use iPads in my classroom.  The look of shock, mixed with excitement, was priceless.  Yes, cliche, but nonetheless, it truly was priceless.  Too bad the Edmodo app was giving us trouble!  Most were able to sign up, but it was slow going, as I think we overloaded the server by trying to access the app at the same time.  Oh well, live and learn.

Things went much smoother for second period.  It still took a little while for the students to sign up for Edmodo, but all were able to do so and see the iPad Student Use Agreement form I had created in Google Docs.  Hallelujah!

They will need to be flexible.  I will need to be flexible.  There are kinks.  We will work them out.  But for now, I cannot wait to get going with it all!